Thursday, December 22, 2011

If You Can't Beat 'em, Join 'em!

This year we made the big decision to keep Austin out of school and teach him all that he needs to know as a 5 year old from our very own home. It has been quite a roller coaster ride to say the least. I planned and prepared, researched and questioned, the year prior to my decision in an effort to be sure I was doing the right thing for Austin and the rest of the family. I will say that the first few weeks I was very doubtful, but as time went on and I learned more about my son, it became very clear and evident that we had made the right choice for him.

Everything was all new and experimental for me as I stumbled about trying to teach Austin with a regimented schedule that seemed ideal for myself to "get it over with,"  but with Austin, I should know you don't try to get anything "over with" in a hurry. If only Brandon had warned me about this trait that he obviously inherited from him:-)

After tweaking and adjusting my daily plans and goals for him, little by little, light bulbs came on for Austin, and I began to reap the rewards of my efforts! He was actually learning from me! Nothing is more frustrating than trying to teach something to someone who's little mind can't grasp the concept of what you are trying to convey. At first I worried that Austin had some kind of a disability but learned that he needed to chew on things for a while before absorbing it into his mind.  I do think he has a touch of ADHD which comes by him naturally as both of his parents have it. Obviously we are not medicated for this, but I do need to get Brandon on something....:-) Not really, Brandon's fine, he just has a lot going on up there. For example;  The other day I asked Brandon why it takes him so long to answer me when I ask him a simple question at the dinner table, and this was his reply: "My mind works like a computer and when I have too many files opened it makes the processing speed slower, hence causing a delay in the answers to your questions." Ok... that made perfect sence...?? :-) I replied, "Well, from now on, close out all of your files up there before you come to the dinner table."

I love Brandon, I really do. Its funny to look back at the first few years of our marriage and see how far we've come. One thing that I have learned in the past seven years, is that some things can never be changed in a person, and when it comes to those things, you just have to learn to live with them, and be happy, because some battles just aren't meant to have a winner and If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. This little phrase reminds me of something that happened this past week.

Ainsley Grace, the youngest of the A's, always gets fingers pointed at her when something mischievous has taken place, and the evidence left behind is nothing short of a disastrous picture displaying some fun had by some one. The first time Austin and Ava ever blamed their mess on Lil Sis, all I could do was laugh. Ainsley was so quick to reply "I did it," after hearing her name out of the mouths of her sibs, when asked by me "who did this?"  This blame game became quite popular with a pretty consistent answer every time I would enter into the scene with the same question-- until this one day--I was busy trying to cram and finish up some Christmas orders and finalizations so I could start my Christmas baking, when all of a sudden I hear extreme 'split your gut' laughing coming from the room beside me. As I entered into the room, in a pretty tense mood to begin with, I found that it had rained shredded cheddar cheese all over my living room floor. Of course my first response was. "WHO DID THIS?" In high-pitched giggles Austin and Ava point to their baby sister.  Ainsley, expecting to hear a light hearted response from me, proudly admits, "I did it!" Funny thing is,  I did not respond in the way she thought I would and as I began to scold her, she quickly turned on her brother and sister by saying "Austin did...Ava did..." As angry as I was, at this moment I lost it. I broke down laughing while looking at the disgruntled face portrayed on my pitiful 18 month old. This poor child is going to be so confused in determining what is right, what is wrong, and how to get a good laugh out of people. I tried not to laugh. I really did.  But she is just at such an incredibly cute age that I can't help but laugh at her crazy little antics. She learned from the best -- her little teachers, Austin and Ava.  At a very young age she has learned when it comes to sibling rivalry and getting the upper hand, if you cant beat 'em, join 'em, so she joined them in their blame game, and ironically it worked!  I love seeing the way all three of my AAA's minds are developing. They all have different gifts and wits about them that I hope they someday find in themselves and use in a positive light.

As the year comes to an end and I reflect on past events and happenings, I think one thing I can take with me from 2011 is, what you can learn through experience far outweighs what you learn from a book or a class, by leaps and bounds. From Developmental Psychology I remember a lot about stages of development in the human mind etc. but nothing that I retained in college can compare to what I have learned in the raising of my three very different children, uniquely made by the combination of two very different people's genes. Likewise in marriage, the books were greatly informative on what it could be like, but every couple is different and everyone is given a different hand of cards, that only they can truly know what to do with and make choices with. I know Brandon would agree with me in his field, as he has learned so much more pastoring a church in Miami than any seminary or degree could ever prepare him for.  Life is made up of experiences, good ones, bad ones, and some that can't be explained but I guess the goal is to learn and take what you can from each experience and make it a great day, year and life! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Park Party of 5! Hope 2012 is your best year yet!

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